Reliability & trust through competence

Accreditations of Quality Austria

Accreditation for certification of management systems

acc. to EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 as per decision on accreditation of Akkreditierung Austria as per § 3 AkkG 2012 accreditation body of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

Accreditation for certification of persons

acc. to EN ISO/IEC 17024 as per BGBl. lll No. 369/2008 (BGBl. – Bundesgesetzblatt – Federal Law Gazette)

Accreditation for certification of product, processes and services

acc. to EN ISO/IEC 17065 as per decree GZ BMAW-92.716/0152/12/2013.

We provide the most comprehensive accreditation offer in the area of management systems in Austria.


What is an Accreditation?

An accreditation is a formal confirmation that a certification body fulfills specified claims and requirements and has the competence to carry out certifications or conformity assessments (of management systems, products or persons).

Accreditations are awarded by so-called accreditation bodies, in Austria by Akkreditierung Austria as part of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.

Further registrations and notifications

Registration as an Environmental Verification Body
by the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology for verification of environmental management systems based on the Regulation (EC) No. 761/2001 (EMAS Regulation) according to the scope of registration.
Registration as a body verifying EFB’s (“Entsorgungsfachbetriebe” – Companies specialised in Waste Disposal)
by the Association for Granting Certificates to Companies specialised in Waste Disposal (German website)
Registration as a recognised organisation for aerospace law and air navigation services
acc. to Art. 3 of the Regulation (EG) No. 550/2004. Approval
ECWRV Certificate
Quality Austria is recognised as a user of the Online Register Railway Vehicles EN 15085 with the identification number QualityAustria/OREN15085-13/2014 at the ECWRV (European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles). Certificate
Ö-Cert Quality Supplier
The area training and certification of persons of Quality Austria is listed as Quality Supplier in adult education of Ö-Cert (German Certificate).
Leadership certificate (ANKÖ)
Quality Austria has the leadership certificate ANKÖ according BVergG, ONR 12051 and guidelines 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU. Certificate (German)
Notification: EN 1090
For the range of EN 1090 Quality Austria is on the basis of the relevant accreditation by the BMAW (Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy) registered as a notified body in accordance with the rules of the European Construction Products Directive in the NANDO list
Notification: Cableway installations
Quality Austria is registered for Cableway installations as a notified body on the basis of the relevant accreditation by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology in accordance with the rules of the European Regulation 2016/424 in the NANDO list with the Notified Body number 1346.
IATF Recognition
Quality Austria is recognized as a certification body in the IATF 16949 Global Registration Scheme with the certificate number 2-IAO-QMC-01007. Certificate

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