25. Sep 2024

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Accredited personal certificate - what's the point?

An accredited personal certificate offers numerous significant advantages that are very important for companies and their employees. But what is an accredited certificate, and how does it benefit my employees and my company?

What is an accredited personal certificate?

An accredited personal certificate is an official document that confirms the competence of a person in a specific field according to a standardised and recognised procedure. Quality Austria is accredited by Akkreditierung Austria for the area of personal certification according to ISO /IEX 17024 and is therefore authorised to issue such certificates. The accreditation also ensures that strict quality standards are adhered to and that the certification procedures are carried out independently and objectively.

An accredited personal certificate includes the following essential features:

  1. proof of competence: It confirms that the certified person has the necessary knowledge and skills required in a specific field. This is usually done through examinations and assessments that are carried out according to defined standards.
  2. recognition by third parties: As the certification body is accredited, the certificate is widely recognised and valued by employers, customers and other stakeholders.
  3. objectivity and independence: The accreditation of the certification body ensures that the certification process is carried out objectively and independently of vested interests.
  4. regular review and updating: Accredited certificates often have a limited period of validity and require regular recertification. This ensures that the certified person keeps their knowledge and skills up to date.
  5. industry and legal compliance: The certification takes industry-specific requirements and legal regulations into account, which is important for compliance with standards and norms in various industries.

An accredited personal certificate thus offers reliable and recognised confirmation of a person's qualifications and contributes to professional development and increased competitiveness.

What's the benefit for the company?

Competitive advantage: A company certification, e.g. according to ISO 9001, is often the entry ticket to customers. Therefore, appropriately trained employees who manage this certification are a basic requirement.

Trustworthiness: Competent employees trained to recognised standards increase the trust of customers and partners in your company.

Long-term employee retention: Promoting your employees' internal careers increases loyalty and satisfaction.

Fulfilment of requirements: Comprehensive, competent understanding of management systems helps to recognise and fulfil legal and industry-specific requirements.

Continuous training: Recertifications, which are mandatory as part of the continuation of personal certificates, ensure the ongoing updating of knowledge and skills for the benefit of your company and your employees.

Would you like to find out more? Click here to see our overview of accreditations!


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Quadratisches Portraibild von Elisabeth Hofstätter-Kollarich

Ms. Elisabeth Hofstätter-Kollarich, BSc

Head of Training


Quadratisches Portraitbild von Melanie Waraschitz

Ms. Melanie Waraschitz, BA

Training Management

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