
Execution of Steel Structures and Aluminium Structures acc. to EN 1090

Motivation and benefits

The applicable version of EN 1090-1 entered into force in Austria on March 1, 2012. Like all the preceding editions, it obliges the metal working companies concerned to prepare declarations of conformity for their products and to guarantee their CE marking.

This obligation applies to all the companies manufacturing such products. In this respect, the standard prescribes a compulsory certification of “factory production control”, i.e. a certain quality management system within the company.

According to EN 1090, it is necessary to demonstrate that all the structural components are produced in conformity to the respective requirements and the relevant classes of execution. This covers the most important business fields in steel and aluminium construction:

  • purchasing
  • production in the workshop
  • subcontracting
  • instructions for assembly

If design and dimensioning also are among the Business areas, they will be incorporated into the certificate. The stipulations of EN 1090 also refer to all the supporting composite structures made of steel and concrete.

The qualityaustria certificates are adjusted to the requirements placed on the components produced and will thus be issued in a manner that is tailored to the needs of the respective companies.

Target group

Notwithstanding the company size, the type of the components produced and regional alignment of the business activities within the European Economic Area, all the companies dealing in steel and aluminium construction are subject to the rules for supporting structures, which are defined by EN 1090. These structures can be complete buildings and edifices or single parts integrated in higher-ranking supporting structures. The rules cover all the areas of building industry, e.g.

  • civil engineering
  • industrial construction
  • building of power plants
  • building of bridges
  • building of shelves
  • building of facades
  • building of railings
  • building of scaffolds and platforms
  • pipelines
Underlying standards

EN 1090 - Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures

  • Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components
  • Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures
  • Part 3: Technical requirements for aluminium structures
  • Part 4: Technical requirements for cold-formed structural steel elements
  • Part 5: Technical requirements for cold-formed structural aluminium elements
The way to the certificate

Identification of the actual state

The (optional) qualityaustria stocktaking basically consists in identifying the  company’s qualification level relating to conformity to the requirements placed by EN 1090, on site. In the course of stocktaking, the company will be given hints as to where adaptations may be necessary.

Certification Audit (initial inspection)

The qualityaustria Certification Audit will be conducted on site according to an audit plan prepared together. All the business areas (i.e. purchasing, production in the workshop, subcontracting, instructions for assembly, possibly design and dimensioning) will be inspected while particularly considering factory production control and handling of the classes of execution that are applied for.

In the course of a Certification Audit, the auditors will go right to the  espective place where everything is going on. Selected samples will be used to conduct initial inspection while involving the employees respectively responsible. The goal consists in identifying conformity of the business processes to the specifications of the relevant parts of the Series of Standards EN 1090. After conformity has been stated, the company will be entitled to place the CE mark on the products manufactured.

The way after the certificate

According to EN 1090, Surveillance Audits will have to be conducted by the Certification Body after the Certificate has been obtained. The intervals of these audits are graduated and depend on the requirements placed on the products manufactured in the company. The qualityaustria Surveillance Audits follow the basic conditions underlying the certification.


As for EN 1090, Quality Austria is, on the basis of relevant accreditation by the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy, entered as a notified body in the NANDO List (NANDO = New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) according to the rules of the European Building Products Directive.

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    quadratisches Portraitbild von Alfred Leitner

    Mr. Alfred Leitner, MSc, MBA

    Executive Vice President Sector Management Construction, Public Administration

    Network partner

    quadratisches Portraitbild von Florian Knobloch

    Mr. Florian Knobloch

    Network partner, Product Expert EN 1090


    quadratisches Portraitbild von Florian Steindl

    Mr. Florian Steindl

    Business Development Construction and Public Administration

    +43 732 34 23 22