
Innovative Audit Excellence Check


At this innovative audit, we will, in cooperation with your management team, sharpen your organization’s vision (for the future). Points of view will be harmonized, and a clear orientation will enable the whole team to look into the same direction. In this process, a competent assessor will support you and help you identify blind spots and break through structures that have gotten rusty. An outside perspective will make it easier for you to loosen up deep-rooted patterns of thought and behavior.

  • becoming clear about your organization’s goals
  • knowing how to achieve these goals
  • increasing your business excellence
  • deriving improvement measures and a direction for future measures
Target group

The check of business excellence is suitable for organizations of any size and sector as well as for single organizational units. Small and medium-sized enterprises will profit from the efficiency and straightforwardness of the check of business excellence, which does not require any special previous knowledge. Individual Departments of larger companies can also draw great benefits from this compact focus audit.


The check of business excellence is a moderated exchange with the organization’s management circle and will support organizations in increasing their business excellence. The focus on what matters most will be sharpened. Concrete measures helping to improve the organizations own corporate quality on a long-term basis and thus to increase success will be identified.

The following questions will be discussed:

  • Where do you want your company to be after some years?
  • What measurable goals would you like to achieve for this purpose?
  • What skills and capabilities are necessary for this?

Based on these questions, you will elaborate how to achieve your most important goals, what results you want to reach and what activities will be necessary for implementation. You will identify the special strengths of your organization and derive the first improvement measures helping you to seize opportunities that have been undiscovered up to now. This will make you well prepared for the future, enable you to establish efficient structures, stand out against the crowd and thus preserve your competitive edge.

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