
Blended Learning Quality Management Representative – Compact

BQBK | 1 day Dates

How it works

Our Blended Learning course consists of an e-learning part and a face-to-face workshop day. It combines traditional in-class teaching units with modern forms of digital knowledge transfer. During this course you will gather knowledge in 7 online modules, complete a knowledge check at the end of each module and apply what you have learned by solving interactive exercises. In addition, our experts will share their knowledge via video statements and you will get access to a practical online toolbox with various exercises and examples. We recommend scheduling about seven weeks for completing the online learning phase, i.e. one week per module. Of course, time management is up to you, but we advise to calculate with a minimum of 4 weeks. Once your payment has been received, you will be able to access the course online (not earlier than 4 months before, up until the date of the face-to-face workshop).

In addition to the interactive exercises, you will have to prepare and solve various tasks and bring them to the face-to-face workshopday where you will get the chance to discuss the results with your trainer. The face-to-face workshop concludes with a multiple choice test.

Upon successful completion of the examination you will receive the qualityaustria certificate „Quality Management Representative - Compact” and, in addition, the corresponding IQNet Certificate.


In this e-learning course, you will obtain a solid knowledge base about quality management as well as the most important methods and tools. You will complete 7 online modules and take a knowledge check at the end of each module. Interactive exercises help to deepen the learned content and our experts provide useful tips.


Multimedia-enabled computer with internet access and latest browser version. Internet Explorer no longer meets the required requirements.

Job profile

Quality Management Representatives – Compact have basic knowledge and skills to apply the most important methods and tools in the field of quality management. In addition, they have a solid knowledge base about ISO 9001.

Target group

Operational staff, clerks, group leaders and heads of the department of any business area, who should have basic knowledge about quality management and the associated methods and tools.

  • System documentation
  • Process management
  • Requirements of ISO 9001
  • Quality planning
  • Improvement and assessment of risks and opportunities
  • Internal audits
  • Methods and tools for quality management
  • Online access will be open after your payment has been received but not earlier than 4 months before the registered face-to-face workshop day. The online access will be open until the day of the face-to-face workshop.
  • Of course, time management is up to you, but we advise to calculate with a minimum of 4 weeks. Our recommendation is 7 weeks (1 week per module).
  • Please bring the prepared exercises to the face-to-face workshop day (detailed information on the respective exercises can be found in each module of the e-learning course).
  • The Blended Learning Course „Quality Management Representative – Compact is excluded from the qualityaustria bonus system.


The course concludes with a face-to-face workshop day, where participants will get the opportunity to discuss the elaborated exercises together with the trainer, ask questions, and check what they have learned by taking a multiple choice test. The multiple choice questions refer to the content of the Blended Learning course “Quality Management Representative – Compact”.

  • Training acc. to the Blended Learning course „Quality Management Representative – Compact” (BQBK)
  • Successful completion of the knowledge checks
  • Exercises and examples must be elaborated and prepared for the face-to-face workshop day

The written examination consists of 20 multiple choice questions. Duration: 30 minutes


Die Prüfungsgebühr ist in der Kursgebühr enthalten.


Upon successful completion of the examination the candidate will receive the certificate Quality Management Representative - Compact.

As an additional service, the corresponding IQNet Certificate will be issued free of charge and you will enter the list of registered professionals on the IQNet Academy website.1

Criteria of extension
  • Proof (e.g. confirmation by the employer, interim certificate, self-declaration) of 3 years practical experience within the last 5 years.
  • Refresher course for Quality Management Representatives (RQB) or another recognized qualityaustria training course.
Validity of Certificate

5 years

  • Please bring the prepared exercises to the face-to-face workshop day (detailed information on the respective exercises can be found in each module of the e-learning course).
  • Upon successful completion of the training (including the issued certificate Quality Management Representative – Compact), it can be credited for the Basic Course Quality Engineering of the course series Quality Technique Q/QA.
  • If you attend the seminar Upgrade for Quality Management Representatives – Compact after completing this training (including the issued certificate), it is possible to receive credit for the courses Integrated Management System – Requirements (IMS) and Integrated Management System – Methods and Tools (IMSA) for your in-depth training in Quality Management (Quality Management Representative or Quality Systems Manager).
  • The Blended Learning Course Quality Management Representative – Compact is excluded from the qualityaustria bonus system.


Blended Learning Qualitätsbeauftragte*r - Kompakt
Quality Austria -
Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH
Zelinkagasse 10/3
1010 Wien

 895,00Regular price
excl. 20% VAT

 805,50Price with early bonus
Excl. 20% VAT

Blended Learning Qualitätsbeauftragte*r - Kompakt
Quality Austria Trainings, Zertifizierungs
und Begutachungs GmbH
Am Winterhafen 1
4021 Linz

 895,00Regular price
excl. 20% VAT

 805,50Price with early bonus
Excl. 20% VAT

Please note that deviations from the new course program may arise in terms of content and participation fees.

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Our experts

Impartial. Competent. Trustworthy.


quadratisches Portraitbild von Otto Kreiter

Mr. Otto Kreiter, MSc

Executive Vice President Head of Business Development Quality and Safety

Network partner

Portraintfoto von Johann Russegger

Mr. Johann Russegger, MBA

Network partner, Product Expert Trainings Integrated Management System, Quality

Network partner

Mr. Michael Lucyshyn

Network partner, Product Management Six Sigma and Statistics

Network partner

Ms. Dr. Eugenia Soboleva, MBA

Network partner, Product Expert Laboratories

Network partner

Quadratisches Bild von Herr Ing. Dipl-Ing. Manfred Haselbacher

Mr. Manfred Haselbacher

Network partner, Product Expert TL 9000

Network partner

quadratisches Portraitbild von Erich Birgmayer

Mr. Erich Birgmayer, MSc

Network partner, Product Expert Asset Management and Trainings Safety Management

+43 732 34 23 22